Monday, June 15, 2009

Praising in advance..Day 16

We are on day 16 with him being incarcerated..and it has been 16 days of tears,wishes,hopes and prayers.Right now,it is raining cats and dogs..This is the weather that we loved being in together..It means me lying on his we watch tv together and argue about what is on.
God does things for a reason..and together,we both have agreed that some of those reasons have been for good.Like..his family and I have grown much closer(no more feeling like the black sheep daughter in law..),my family and I have grown closer as well(even though they seem to be a little on the negative side of the situation),and Phil is growing as a man of God in ways neither of us could have imagined.All this from a lie.What the devil meant for bad..God turned it around for everyone's good.
That's not saying that he,or us for that matter,wants him to be there,just for spiritual and mental growth..!! I would LOVE it if he was knocking at the door right now..but,it isn't so until God says so.I am praying that day will come before the end of the month.
Phil is in very good spirits..his new nickname in there is Preacher.He has been reading "Prayer of Jabez"(my fave book beside the Bible,hands down!)and speaking to the guys in there about being Saved and God.He also has been working on reading the Bible and studying Scripture,emphasis on Miracles and Prayer and everything.He wants everyone to know he thanks you for being here and God bless you,and to please tell everyone you know about this blog.It will be a great help to others once he gets out and gets to posting as well.
Until tomorrow..(I have 2 fighting babies to deal with right now..:) )

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