Sunday, June 28, 2009


*Note:I just wanted to say..before I get started with today's blog..THANK YOU to those who have been viewing the blog and donating..Every little bit counts and we thank GOD for you helping us.I am sure that you will be blessed for helping.I put a thermometer on here so everyone can see how close we have gotten to the goal.
A Challenging few Days...
The past few days have been..well..Challenging.I spoke with my lovely Mother in law..who told me that a member of the family surf's the net daily and saw where I have been getting prayer,etc.I was confused as to why anyone would be surfing the net for what I am doing,especially to help my husband to get his defense fund paid AND as well to be getting prayer.This is a tough situation.I have been without sleep and without a LOT dealing with this.I am trying to be nice as possible to the naysayers,who want to tell me its "impossible"for him to come home after these allegations,and that "we need to be real"about everything.WHAT? I AM being real..Last time I checked..All things ARE POSSIBLE with God.I am ignoring the negative,and surrounding myself in prayer,in thanksgiving,and in submersing myself into how I can get help for getting the word out about his well as help to get this fundraiser kicked off a bit more.I cannot believe how much prayer,how many well-wishes and thoughts we HAVE gotten since I came online with his story.It actually is MORE than what he has gotten in reality.I wont let him listen to all that..or myself.He will be here..sooner than anyone will even expect.My God is a BIG God.
Update on Phil..Day 28..
I went to visit him yesterday..and it seems it is actually getting easier,even though that was my 4th visit to see him..which marks 4 weeks so far.I miss him terribly and pray for him numerous times well as other family and friends are too.Our kids love to talk to him when he calls.He dosen't get to call much,because the phone in there will only let you call so many times a day within so many hours of each other..usually the most calls I recieve have been about 5 in one day.I don't prefer them to see him behind that tiny piece of thick,grimy glass..talking to him behind that tiny speaker and metal wall.They would break down..which would lead ME to break down..And that wouldnt be good for anyone involved.I wish they would let us hold hands..I miss that so much.He was in good spirits,as usual.He has sent me some sermonettes to put on here for him,since when he comes home this will be his blog.I plan on putting them on here tomorrow and tuesday,instead of my own blogs..and updating everyone on how things are going. He really has grown a lot in all areas with being there this long.I pray that he will be home in time to see the girls head off to school their first day,with N heading to the 2nd school(the school she will be attending is 2-4th grade..but since they are building another school,I assume she will be going to this school maybe til 4th,and she will be at the new one for 4th grade.)and G heading to Pre-K 2nd yr. I know he will be home,no doubt in my mind. As for the case and where it is going,there are lots of people who have read the story and also read in the local paper about it,and do not believe a word of it.They know he is innocent as well as he knows,and God knows.He is still preaching and speaking,and doing his little "daily journals" in there,passing them around for the guys to read about God and how good He is..even in a time he should be mad and wanting revenge for taking 28 days of his life away..he is rejoicing and praising in advance for what's to come-which is his freedom and him finally getting to become what God's will says.

The Fundraiser..Week 3
The Fundraiser is still going..We have had a small amount of donations,but any donation at all is a blessing and goes toward his Defense fund.I have spoken with the lawyer,and he had some news for me,which was that the PO was trying to hold off on him going for Revocation Court...but since the Defense has not been officially hired..She is trying to get him a court date which will be within the next 3 or so weeks for Revoking.I was shocked to hear this news,and sort of devestated.I really wanted to help him..and since I cant do it on my own nor the family..I have been trying to fundraise.We will be holding a plate sale next Thursday and Friday..and I am hoping that will be the tail end of what we owe him*crossing fingers* so he can get to working on his innocence and getting him HOME. We still like about 4900 but it will be okay.God will provide and He has not forgotten.I pray that people's hearts will be touched and that this fundraiser will be finished this week.*Praising God in advance* We all would like him home to spend time with us next weekend..but only God knows..His will be done.I have been prophecied to by a few people in this situation,and they all have said that things look promicing,and to make sure Phil knows that he needs to rid himself of all things worldly..and people..and that he WILL be coming home-soon.I do not care who I will lose in the process of spiritual clean-up of my life,and he has already told me as well he didn't care who or what he loses either-long as he has God,me and our family we made together..and our families..he is fine.And so am I.I just pray that whomever reads this..SPREADS THE WORD..PRAYS..and hopefully and prayerfully DONATES..This fundraiser means a lot to me.I know it will not be the last one that I will be having.We have big things planned-I know for sure I pray that God leads us to help this type situation as well as other situations we have came out of by the grace of God..and I will do all I can to help.I know..we have been through a LOT of stuff,both before we found each other and AFTER.We have had our fair share of tragedy,triumph,pain,happiness,and joy and everything between.But I know one thing is for sure-We did ALL those things..together.
I can't wait to see what happens next in the next chapter of our life together when he walks out of those jail doors a free man here soon.I am NOT afraid of what God has to offer us.Its much better than what the flesh,the world and man has to offer.I am not afraid of public speaking anymore(lifelong terror of mine)..I am not afraid of anything.I defeat the devil EVERY DAY of my LIFE.I will not be afraid to take a journey of my husband eventually becoming a Pastor like his father..I will do this with him..Together.Together..we will make it.As we always have..
Until tomorrow-
~*A praying Wifey*~
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